Folly & Jane

Embrace the Cold-How to Wear Winter

Jasmine Riley

Posted on October 03 2022

Words of Wisdom

Winter is coming!

Here we go again...reaching for our winter woolies and seeking the creature comforts that are mandatory for the cooler season. So cheers to the hot coffees, coats, tights, boots, beanies, layers for days, rendezvous in cozy places with friends, late night chats around an open fire with family and expressing yourself through fashion.

If you love the cold weather, then lucky you…it isn’t for everyone! 
I love summer and the moment the cold sets in, I have already planned my escape to a sunny secluded beach.

Bundling up doesn't have to be boring!

I love the comfort of a new winter wardrobe and I don’t mind braving the cold when I feel comfortable and confident in what I’m wearing.

The key: knowing how to ‘wear’ winter.
Don’t let let winter weather wear you down (see what I did there 😂).
Get creative and have fun with your wardrobe…play around with layers, tones and patterns. Even if you prefer neutral tones, there are many ways to bring neutral to life (for example, a scarf could have a bold pattern, while maintaining the neutral pallet. Watch a YouTube tutorial on how to wear your scarfs it in different ways)
Let your personality shine with YOUR interpretation on the latest fashion trends. 

Remember, trends come and go...there is nothing wrong with staying true to your own style. The secret is making the trends work for you. 

My tip…

Invest in pieces that make you could be a dress with a bright and fun play on colour.


 Or an oversized trench, that makes you feel bold and edgy.


Or maybe your vibe is flowy and feminine…


I have just returned from 3 weeks in the south of France. If there is one stand out, it is that the French women know how to dress!!! Think elegant and stylish, bold and individual. They make casual look chic and fashion seems effortless. 

Having an eye for throwing an outfit together is one thing…but I think having the confidence to wear what you love makes any trends irrelevant!

Dare to be YOU this winter ✨



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